Third-Party Licenses

Last updated: December 6th, 2024

Wikimedia Commons

Blunt sources its artwork content from Wikimedia Commons, which provides access to a collection of freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute. The content we use is in the public domain or under free licenses. This is governed by the following terms:

Please note that while we only use public domain artworks, users should verify the status of any artwork they intend to use outside of the app.

Museum Collections

Blunt sources artwork from various museum collections that provide open access to their digital collections. Our primary sources include, but are not limited to:

All artwork sourced from these institutions is either in the public domain or used under appropriate open access licenses. While we strive for accuracy in artwork information, users should verify the status and attribution of any artwork they intend to use outside of the app.


Blunt uses Firebase for our user authentication and database services. Firebase is a service provided by Google and is subject to the following licenses and terms:

Google Cloud

Blunt uses Google Cloud Platform for hosting our services and infrastructure. Google Cloud services are subject to the following licenses and terms:

Contact Information

For questions about our use of third-party services or licensing information, please contact us at